
Showing posts with the label Bible Verse

James 4:6-10 - God Resists the Proud, but Gives Grace to the Humble

Being humble goes hand in hand with our call as believers to submit to God. In James 4:6-10, we find a powerful reminder of the significance of humility in our spiritual walk and how God responds to it,  or its absence, which is arrogance.  Let's delve into this profound topic, exploring what humility looks like to God and its transformative impact on our lives. Humility in God's Eyes Humility, as perceived by God, is a profound surrender to His divine will. It involves not just acknowledging His authority but yielding to it completely. A humble individual abides in His word, seeking to align their actions with His teachings, thus following the example of Jesus. This is our calling, to be Christ-like. The humble person crucifies their  carnal desires, walking in the spirit rather than the flesh. Such a person willingly submits to God's divine authority, recognizing that His will supersedes their own. In essence, a humble person trusts in God with all their heart and does no

Ephesians 2:4-9 - Saved by Grace Through Faith

There is only one message that holds the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, and that is the Gospel of Christ, also known as the Good News. In fact, this message is so significant that the Bible says that anyone who distorts and shares a false gospel, which is not the true Gospel, should be accursed. So let's delve into the true Gospel which God has given us because of His great love for us . The Gospel in a Nutshell Ephesians 2:4-9 gives us a clear understanding of the Gospel of Christ: Salvation is a free gift that  is only received by the unmerited grace of God. God's grace is only obtained  through faith in the complete works of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  The Gospel unequivocally states that we cannot save ourselves through works and good deeds, regardless of how righteous we may think we are: Our righteousness is as filthy rags to God . Therefore, the message of the Gospel is designed to humble us, leading us to repentance as we begin to grasp

Matthew 6:9-13 – The Model Prayer: Our Father in Heaven

Often referred to as "The Model Prayer," Matthew 6:9–13 is a profound passage that holds essential teachings for Christians. Let's dive into its rich meaning and significance. Understanding God's Authority As we recite the Model Prayer, we are reminded of God's exalted position in heaven, emphasizing that He is the highest authority in both heaven and on earth. This concept extends to our individual lives, highlighting the importance of our submission, worship, and service to Him. Embracing God's Sovereignty The line, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven," underscores God's sovereignty. We, as His creation, exist to fulfil His purposes, and He actively works through us to achieve His good  pleasure . This reminds us that nothing occurs on earth without His knowledge, and He acts according to His divine will. It calls us to surrender to His authority and divine plan, knowing that all He does in our lives ultimately se

1 John 4:1-6 – Do Not Believe Every Spirit, but Test The Spirits

In the modern church, where false teachings abound, it is imperative that Believers discern truth from deception. The Bible provides us with guidance on this matter, and one such passage that addresses this is found in 1 John 4:1-6. In this post, we'll delve into this scripture to understand the importance of testing the spirits and staying rooted in God's Word. Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Even before the 1st Century BC church was founded, Jesus warned His followers to be cautious of false prophets, whom He likened to wolves in sheep's clothing. This warning reverberates throughout the New Testament, emphasizing the significance of this message. In Matthew 7:15, Jesus explicitly states, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves." This vivid imagery serves as a strong cautionary note. Neglecting the Warnings What's even more alarming is how often we encounter individuals who identify as Ch