
Showing posts with the label God's Will; Gospel

Matthew 11:25-27 - God Reveals Jesus to Whom He Wills

In our walk with God, it's essential to keep in mind that He is the one who selects those to whom He will unveil the profound mystery of the Gospel. Too often, we witness debates and disputes between self-proclaimed Christians and non-believers regarding God's existence and the Gospel of Christ. However, the Bible unequivocally advises against quarrelling and engaging in contentious debates for those who are called to live godly lives. 2 Timothy 2:24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, God's Will and Sovereignty The individual who fervently argues about God’s existence or attempts to forcefully impose the message of their Gospel (which may not be the true Gospel) on unbelievers has, in essence, failed to understand the sovereignty of God. God is the one who determines when and how to reveal Jesus and the Gospel to those whom He selects. Romans 9:15-16  reinforces this profound truth, stating:  "For He says to Moses,