James 4:6-10 - God Resists the Proud, but Gives Grace to the Humble

God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.

Being humble goes hand in hand with our call as believers to submit to God. In James 4:6-10, we find a powerful reminder of the significance of humility in our spiritual walk and how God responds to it, or its absence, which is arrogance. Let's delve into this profound topic, exploring what humility looks like to God and its transformative impact on our lives.

Humility in God's Eyes

Humility, as perceived by God, is a profound surrender to His divine will. It involves not just acknowledging His authority but yielding to it completely. A humble individual abides in His word, seeking to align their actions with His teachings, thus following the example of Jesus. This is our calling, to be Christ-like. The humble person crucifies their carnal desires, walking in the spirit rather than the flesh. Such a person willingly submits to God's divine authority, recognizing that His will supersedes their own.

In essence, a humble person trusts in God with all their heart and does not lean on their own understanding. They obey Jesus' instruction to seek God and ask Him which direction they should go rather than being presumptuous, self-willed and doing things their own way.  Moreover, they acknowledge their need for God and most importantly His salvation; therefore, they never put confidence in their flesh or own strength for anything. This is what true surrender looks like.

Christ's Example of Humility

Our Lord Jesus Christ serves are the perfect example of humility. Even when tempted by Satan in the wilderness to exalt Himself, Jesus remained steadfast in submission to God. He taught that we are to worship God and serve only Him, admonishing us against putting the Lord our God to the test. In resisting the devil, Jesus demonstrated that submission to God is the key to avoiding destruction—The very thing Adam and Eve failed to do.

The Perils of Pride

Conversely, pride leads us away from God. It drives individuals towards vain, selfish ambitions and the gratification of their fleshly desires, ultimately deceiving their own hearts. Those consumed by pride fail to yield to the Spirit and Word of God. An example of such pride can be found in King Saul, who disregarded a specific divine instruction and sought his own desires, subsequently facing God's rejection. Samuel's words in 1 Samuel 15:22–23 in response to Saul's rebellion emphasise the importance of obedience over sacrifices. Here, rebellion is likened to witchcraft, and stubbornness to idolatry.

1 Samuel 15:22-23 NKJV - “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.”

God's Stance on Pride

In continuing with the account of King Saul, let’s consider God’s response: outright rejection! This demonstrated that God's stance on pride is unequivocal. Thus reinforcing He resists the proud, marking them as His adversaries. And what wise person would dare to contend with God?

But why does God urge us to humble ourselves? Simply put, because He is God—sovereign, almighty, and our Creator. We exist for His divine purposes and pleasure. Therefore, we pray for His will to be done. It is all too easy to forget Who is on the throne. We have to be mindful of what Jesus said about a servant not being greater than his master.

Even though God is greater than us, He still extends His boundless grace toward us, rebuking and correcting those He loves. Because of this mercy, He desires for us to draw near to Him becomes our refuge, for it is not His desire that we should perish.

The Rewards of Humility

Because God is just, He gives us so many warnings and opportunities to humble ourselves. It is truly up to us to turn to Him and ask Him to help us to do so. No one can ever stand before God and blame Him for not warning us because He warns everyone.

Psalm 18:27 beautifully encapsulates the truth that God desires to save rather than Destroy. Here, we are assured that God rewards the humble with salvation while humbling the haughty. Proverbs 16:18 serves as a stark warning that pride precedes destruction, and a lofty spirit precedes a fall.

Psalm 18: 27, “For You will save the humble people, But will bring down haughty looks”

Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.”

How Do We Humble Ourselves?

It is important to understand that humility is a natural response, and work initiated by the Holy Spirit, that only arises when one comprehends that salvation comes through faith in Christ alone. This Spirit-led revelation leads us to recognize our own weakness and corruptibility, highlighting our need for a Savior to deliver us. Our reliance on Jesus and His salvation removes any grounds for boasting in our own works and righteousness because we have none of our own. This acknowledgement of our absolute dependence on Him and understanding His goodness, in that while we were still sinners and unworthy, He died for us. Consequently, it is this goodness that leads us to repentance and abandon pride. In exchange, we willingly submit to God because we can now see that He is God, infinitely wiser and greater than us.

In conclusion, humility is the hallmark of a born-again Christian. It aligns us with God's will and preserves us from the perils of pride. Christ's example serves as a beacon of humility, while the consequences of pride, as seen in the account of King Saul, remind us of its destructive nature. Let us heed God's call to humble ourselves, recognizing His sovereignty and seeking His will above all else.

Scripture References:

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Samuel 15:22-23 - New King James Version

Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 18:27 - New King James Version

Bible Gateway passage: Proverbs 16:18 - New King James Version


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