
Showing posts from October, 2023

Isaiah 55:10-11 - God's Word Does Not Return Void

Isaiah 55:10-11 serves as a powerful reminder of the undeniable validity of God's Word. This holds particular significance in a world where human promises often fall short of expectations. We find solace in knowing that God is the keeper of His Word. Therefore, His words are not empty; He means what He says. This sets Him apart from us, as humans often speak without true intent or struggle to keep their word. Moreover, every word spoken by God comes to pass and possesses the power to shape our world and our lives. Join us as we delve into the validity, intentionality, fulfilment, and dependability of God's Word, using scripture to interpret scripture. The Validity of God’s Word Numbers 23:19 declares that God is not a man; thus, He cannot lie. This is a crucial distinction because God is a Spirit, not bound by flesh like us humans; therefore, He is incorruptible. Consequently, whatever He says is undeniably true, making it absolutely valid. Psalm 33:9 confirms this by stating,

James 4:6-10 - God Resists the Proud, but Gives Grace to the Humble

Being humble goes hand in hand with our call as believers to submit to God. In James 4:6-10, we find a powerful reminder of the significance of humility in our spiritual walk and how God responds to it,  or its absence, which is arrogance.  Let's delve into this profound topic, exploring what humility looks like to God and its transformative impact on our lives. Humility in God's Eyes Humility, as perceived by God, is a profound surrender to His divine will. It involves not just acknowledging His authority but yielding to it completely. A humble individual abides in His word, seeking to align their actions with His teachings, thus following the example of Jesus. This is our calling, to be Christ-like. The humble person crucifies their  carnal desires, walking in the spirit rather than the flesh. Such a person willingly submits to God's divine authority, recognizing that His will supersedes their own. In essence, a humble person trusts in God with all their heart and does no

Romans 8:1-4 - No Condemnation to Those Who Are in Christ Jesus

What makes the Gospel of Christ truly Good News is encapsulated in Romans 8:1-4. Verse one offers hope and assurance to believers, proclaiming, “ There is t herefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.” . To truly comprehend the significance of these verses, we must be mindful that salvation is an irrevocable gift from God, one that cannot be taken away. Furthermore, this gift was obtained on our behalf by the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Therefore, it cannot be obtained through works and our own efforts. So, let's unpack the profound message contained in Romans 8:1-4. What Does It Mean That Believers Are Not Condemned? In our flesh, we have never been able to remain sinless due to its inherent weakness and susceptibility to corruption. We have all sinned, making everyone unrighteous and guilty before God , who is just and holy. Because of this, we are all deserving of paying the penalty fo

Matthew 11:25-27 - God Reveals Jesus to Whom He Wills

In our walk with God, it's essential to keep in mind that He is the one who selects those to whom He will unveil the profound mystery of the Gospel. Too often, we witness debates and disputes between self-proclaimed Christians and non-believers regarding God's existence and the Gospel of Christ. However, the Bible unequivocally advises against quarrelling and engaging in contentious debates for those who are called to live godly lives. 2 Timothy 2:24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, God's Will and Sovereignty The individual who fervently argues about God’s existence or attempts to forcefully impose the message of their Gospel (which may not be the true Gospel) on unbelievers has, in essence, failed to understand the sovereignty of God. God is the one who determines when and how to reveal Jesus and the Gospel to those whom He selects. Romans 9:15-16  reinforces this profound truth, stating:  "For He says to Moses,